I belong to a wonderful Yahoo group called
StitchMap. This group has Angels, Mentors and Apprentices. And a love of stitching of all kinds and a community spirit that brings people together over the miles and over electronic lines. On Thursday we have what is called Thursday's Talk Shop Segment, or TTSS. This past Thursday's talk was about 'colors' and how they worked in our lives and effected us.

I didn't really give a good answer right away because I can't correspond colors to thread colors. I haven't been using threads long enough to know numbers and which are my favorite. I should start writing thread color numbers down that I like a lot though. That would be a neat on going journal of sorts.

I'm not sure what happened or what was said but I realized that I didn't need numbers to share my colors and what they mean to me.

So, I went to the yard today and took some pictures of 'my' colors.

And, these colors are always changing. The spring colors I am posting now are different than the spring flowers I posted a few weeks ago. Isn't that awesome?

These two pictures are of our woods. For a very short time every spring these wondeful flowers appear like a blanket of snow, ok, purple snow but still....

Part of my reply to the topic was that the greens in the woods are so alive yet so silent that this is the only place that gives me inner peace like nothing else can.

So, what are your colors? What do they say to you?
I'm sorry I didn't get the stash angel post up, that will definitely be tomorrow. I really wanted to share my colors with you first.
Until tomorrow...