We had a "challenge" on our StitchMap group! Fabric dyeing with SNOW! Oh what fun we had! We were to go to this blog and read directions and go from there. We had a week to do it. Thankfully this challenge came at just the right time considering we had a ton of snow on the ground! Hmm....think that was a coincidence?! ;)
Noah got in on the fun too since he had several days off of school!
Here is one attempt at our fabric dyeing. We scrunched the fabric up and placed inside the colander, plopped the snow on top and drizzled acrylic paint all over it and waited for the snow to melt.
And here is the finished piece. We tried it a couple of different ways. This seemed to be the best for us as it made the dye a little darker.
This is Noah's psychedelic piece! I love it! He used 5 different colors.
This piece I used linen and used 3 different colors. It was very interesting how they all turned out so different.

We had dinner Friday night at Belterra Casino Resort and their dessert bar was to DIE for! Look at those scrumptious little tidbits! They were soo cute too! I'd go back just for the desserts!
And a chocolaty way to end a a wonderful Valentine weekend. Did you know Madison has 3...yes, that is 3, chocolate shops?!