I can't believe how long it's been since I posted. Amazing how time flies when life is busy. These first two pictures are of our attempt at getting and making our very own maple syrup. We learned a lot and will do better next year!
Apparently I uploaded the wrong picture! We got not even a full quart jar of syrup after boiling down 5 gallons of sap. It sure is yummy though!
Miss Olivia trying to crawl!
A very cool "race" at the oval track. There were tons of vintage race cars. I'll take one of each please! ;)
The ring bearer pillow I made for our daughter's wedding.
The gift baggies we made together.
The "outdoorsy" table decorations. :)

The beautiful bride! Thank you to my special friend Kathy for the wonderful jewelry!
Here comes the bride!
The new family.
Me and the bride. My beautiful necklace courtesy of Kathy also!
8th grade graduation!
6th grade graduation!
NASCAR training.

Noah helping with NASCAR training.
Noah getting a ride in this spiffy race car that went faster than 100 MPH!
And Noah getting a ride in this brand new Mustang that went about 100 MPH!
And life doesn't seem to be getting any slower!
Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your summer!