Thursday, July 15, 2010

Amazing stuff....

I was perusing blogs the other day and came upon this post at Mustard Seed Creations. Great blog! And what a great idea! She suggested using oil and vinegar on tired dried out wood furniture to give it a new life. So....I did. See how dried out the top of the table is in the photo above?

And here is the front of it, poor thing!

Here is the after! All I did is mix a little bit of vinegar into the oil and walaa!

Here is the after on the front. It's like a brand new piece of furniture.

We spent the morning looking at all of our furniture to see what else we could try this on and everything is either not old or has a glossy finish. It won't work with a glossy finish. But as I walked by the trunk 400 times, it finally dawned on me that it would work on this! So here are the "before" shots.

And the after...

Gotta love blog land....never know what you'll learn!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Goodness

Noah and the grands goofing off at a waterfall. What a motley crew!

Our first batch of tomatoes from the garden! 5 gallon bucket full and will be spaghetti sauce tomorrow!

Lots and lots of zucchini, shredded and slice and squash waiting to be frozen. Yum!

OOPS! Let that zucchini go a tad too long lol. I put a dollar bill next to it so you could tell just how big it really is!

We had a great dinner tonight, I should have taken a picture. Spaghetti squash, fried zucchini and yellow squash, pasta salad, corn and deviled eggs. Meatless Monday.....I think we will do more of that!

I can't believe summer is half over. School starts in a little over 30 days! What happened to school not starting until after Labor Day? And ending before June?