I know, I'm a day late! Sorry but here it is....I have mentioned before that I belong to a Yahoo group, CQ for newbies and that I have an awesome mentor, Shari. Shari emailed me one day to ask if I minded giving my address to her to pass on. One of the lovely ladies on the group saw that Shari was mentoring me and asked Shari what I needed. Shari told her anything and everything lol. Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake but not this time...I said, of course that is ok and here is my address lol! A week later a big squishee postal bag landed in my box and this is what I got. In the picture above is a beautiful winter silkie. I can't wait to use it. I see a Christmas Crazy Quilt something. Silk ribbon, lace, beads and buttonhole twist thread. I think that is neat within itself just cause it has Japanese written all over it lol.

In this picture is more silk ribbon, perle cotton, wool thread and silk thread.

All the material is velvet of some sort. The pictures turned out terrible but the picture above is all purple! My FAV!

Look at these beautiful reds! And the patterns on them!

That really is a green. I have no idea where I went wrong with these pictures but there is black and blue in there also.
I can't seem to get away from buying cotton at the store. I don't know if that is because that is what I used to buy all the time for crafting I used to do, but thanks to others, my stash is expanding to "fancy" fabrics.
I am so grateful that I have found this Crazy Quilting community. These are wonderful, caring and giving people. Like I said when I received this in the mail....it just made my heart sing.
Thank you Stash Angel....you truly are....an Angel.
Hi Amy.. I too am just getting back into being creative.. well trying.. I have loads of fabric and would like to share some with you.. Just email me your address at njs05743@yahoo.com and I will send you a nice stash!