The daffodils are starting to come up! Yeah spring is near! Even though, it's supposed to be in the 30's to 40's this coming weekend. That is ok, I can look out my window and see these and know that warmer times are around the corner.

My lilac bush with good size blooms on it already! It's a young 'un so I hope I get good blooms on it this year. My Grandparents had huge lilac bushes in their back yard. I loved spring in their back yard. It was so fragrant! I spent a week with them every year for spring break. I usually flew there or back and my mom would drive the other way. One year I had to fly both ways so since my mom was going to miss all the spring flowers, my grandmother was thoughtful enough to send a HUGE bouquet of lilac branches home with me on the airplane. No one would sit next to me with this overpowering vase of lilac blooms! I was hurt. I was young. It's funny now. lol

This is my snow ball bush. My grandparents had one of these also in their back yard. I have always said I wanted a back yard like my grandparents. My husband is making sure I have that. The man is awesome.
Buds and leaves....the light at the end of the tunnel! I'll post pictures when they all start to bloom! Happy Spring!
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